[free] 100 pieces of crochet_004

こんにちは。笠石あき(@aki_kasaishi )です。

英文パターン修行100 pieces of crochet の4作目をお届けします。全6段。


Thread: Olympus Emmy Grande (#731)




Materials and Tools

Thread: Olympus Emmy Grande (50g / 218m) ( #801,#731)

Hook: 1.75mm crochet hook

And Thread needle, Scissors

The finished size with this thread and hook is about 8 cm.

Stitches and Abbreviations (U.S.Terms)

SLST – Slip Stitch
CH – Chain
SC – Single Crochet
DC – Double Crochet

() – enclose additional information and the number of stitches at the end of a round.
[ ] , { } – work enclosed instructions the amount of times indicated, or work enclosed instructions in the stitch or space indicated.
* * – repeat from * to * the amount of times indicated.


  • Most rounds, join with a SLST in the top of beginning stitch unless otherwise noted.
  • Not all stitches to be skipped will be detailed in the “skip” instructions. If it is clear from the instructions where to work the next stitch, other stitches to be skipped will not be mentioned.
    For example, the instruction “to next space” means, skips all stitches up to space and works in this space.
Thread: Olympus Emmy Grande (#801)



CH-4, join to form a ring.



CH-1 (not count as stitch), 2 SC in each of CH. Join.

Total (8 SC)


CH-2 (not count as stitch), 3 DC in very 1st SC, CH-3, *skip SC, 3 DC in SC, CH-3, repeat from * around. Join.

Total (12 DC, 4 CH-3 space)


CH-2 (not count as stitch), DC in very 1st DC, DC in next 2 DC, *[3 DC, CH-2, 3DC] in CH-3 space, DC in next 3 DC, repeat from * twice, [3 DC, CH-2, 3DC] in CH-3 space. Join.

Total (36 DC, 4 CH-2 space)


SLST in 2nd DC, CH-6 (count as 1st DC and CH-3), DC in same DC (2nd DC of Round3), CH-3, skip 2 DC, SC in next 2 DC, [SC, CH-3, SC] in CH-2 space, *SC in next 2 DC, CH-3, skip 2 DC, [DC, CH-3, DC] in DC, CH-3, skip 2 DC, SC in next 2 DC, [SC, CH-3, SC] in CH-2 space, repeat from * twice, SC in next 2 DC, CH-3. Join.

Total (8 DC, 24 SC, 16 CH-3 space)


CH-3 (count as 1st DC), [CH-1, DC in CH-4 space] twice, CH-2, [DC in same CH-4 space, CH-1] twice, DC in DC, CH-4, skip 2 SC, SC in SC, [SC, CH-3, SC] in CH-3 space, *SC in SC, CH-4, DC in next DC, [CH-1, DC in CH-4 space] twice, CH-2, [DC in same CH-4 space, CH-1] twice, DC in DC, CH-4, skip 2 SC, SC in SC, [SC, CH-3, SC] in CH-3 space, repeat from * twice, SC in SC, CH-4. Join.

Total (24 DC, 16 SC, 8 CH-4 space, 4 CH-3 space, 4 CH-2 space, 16 CH-1 space)


CH-3 (count as 1st DC), [CH-1, DC in DC] twice, CH-1, [DC, CH-5, DC] in CH-2 space, [CH-1, DC in DC] 3 times, CH-5, [SC, CH-3, SC] in CH-3 space, *CH-5, [DC in DC, CH-1] 3 times, [DC, CH-5, DC] in CH-2 space, [CH-1, DC in DC] 3 times, CH-5, [SC, CH-3, SC] in CH-3 space, repeat from * twice, CH-5. Join.

Total (32 DC, 8 SC, 12 CH-5 space, 4 CH-3 space)

If you wants to connect the motifs, work Round6 as follows:

CH-3 (count as 1st DC), [CH-1, DC in DC] twice, CH-1, [DC, CH-2, SLST in CH-5 of other motif, CH-2, DC] in CH-2 space, [CH-1, DC in DC] 3 times, CH-2, SLST in CH-5 of other motif, CH-2, [SC, CH-3, SC] in CH-3 space, *CH-2, SLST in CH-5 of other motif, CH-2, [DC in DC, CH-1] 3 times, [DC, CH-2, SLST in CH-5 of other motif, CH-2, DC] in CH-2 space, [CH-1, DC in DC] 3 times, CH-2, SLST in CH-5 of other motif, CH-2, [SC, CH-3, SC] in CH-3 space, repeat from * twice, CH-2, SLST in CH-5 of other motif, CH-2. Join.


  • Work to Round6, cut thread, fasten off, and weave in all ends.
  • For a more professional look, it is best to hand wash your finished piece and block it properly.




Happy Crocheting!

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